Precis of PCC meeting March 18th 2024

(These are summary notes of the meeting rather than the full minutes)

Chaired by Pete Hodgkinson.
Rita Whyte opened the meeting with insights from Isaiah 31, reminding us that God is our sure
and unchanging foundation.

Audited accounts have only today been received so not yet circulated to PCC members. These
will be forwarded once Bob Styring has reviewed them.
Tim’s presentation in church a few weeks ago was very helpful and 7 people have since
increased their giving. Molly Morgan has left £1000 to St Andrew’s in her will. There has been
an anonymous donation of £50,000. It was suggested this sum be used for a specific purpose
rather than be absorbed into general funds.
A clearly understandable budget for 2025 to be presented at the APCM.
The card machine with QR codes has encouraged visitors to give. From October to February,
approximately £750 was given this way. Internet access will be improved in the church building
which will facilitate more use of the machine.
A letter of thanks was received from Bishop Jackie, acting Bishop of Exeter, for our contribution
of £144,000 to the Common Fund.
Legal advice will be sought about extending the remit of the Parkhouse Trust with a view to
releasing capital to support the organ refurbishment.

Change of use of shop area
The central console and counter will be removed and costs for carpet and seating to be
presented at next Zoom PCC meeting. The remaining remaining stock will possibly be put on
sale at an Autumn Fair. The area can then be used as a quiet corner during the week, and for
nursing mothers and those with young children who don’t settle in the creche on Sundays.

Electoral Role
The annual revision continues until April 7th. The number of reps we have on the General Synod
is in proportion to those on the electoral role. Forms are at the cross aisle or in the office for
church attenders not yet registered.

Clergy Notices
A new appointment to share the office work with Debbie has been made. The person to be
announced and begin work once all checks have been completed.
14 people are to be confirmed by Bishop James this coming Sunday.

The reps continue to liaise with the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisors as per protocol. Judy
Hodgkinson continues to monitor our compliance using the Dashboard and reports that we are
improving but encourages everyone to ensure they are up to date with training and DBS checks.
Each area of church activity needs to be risk assessed to ensure our groups and activities are
safe. Some assessments are still outstanding.
We encourage anyone with Safeguarding concerns to raise them with a member of the clergy
team, a Safeguarding rep (Deb or Beth) or a member of the Safeguarding group (Judy,
Katherine, Jill, Matt)

Health and Safety
There have been three incidents since the last PCC meeting. Advice for stewards has been

This is a broad remit, made more challenging as the church building is listed. The broad aim is
to help us relate better to one another in anticipating one another’s needs rather than a list of
rules and regulations.
A second quote for refurbishment of the disabled toilet in the south porch to be sought. The best
option will be actioned. A pull cord to summon help is needed here and in the Abbey Hall.

Peter and Judy are working through policies and procedures which the PCC needs to adopt.
The need for improved sound at the back of church was raised. Options and costs to be
Complaints about the quality of green paper towels to be followed up.
New bibles and a lectern bible have been ordered, paid for by the Michael Mace legacy fund.
His family have approved the wording which will be in each bible and on a plaque in the Abbey
Hall commemorating Michael’s generous gift.

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