Are you a Christian and would like to be baptised? We’d love to hear from you.
At St. Andrew’s we follow the instructions of Jesus Christ who taught his followers to proclaim God’s good news and make disciples of all nations through baptism and teaching. Baptism is a sign of forgiveness, that our new lives are joined to Jesus and belong to God forever. The Bible explains that in baptism, Christians are buried with Jesus so that we may also be raised to new life in him (Romans 6:4-5). For more information on adult baptism, click here.
Are you a new parent?
We’d love to talk with you about what this means for you and for your family.
Your child is precious to you and to God, and we are delighted that you are thinking about baptism or a thanksgiving for your child. At a Christening your child will be baptized. You can have your child Christened, whether or not you are baptised yourself. If you’re not already a member of St. Andrew’s, we’ll ask you to consider coming to our Sunday services and to take part in a baptism preparation course, meeting other church families. This will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions yourselves. For more information on Christenings, click here.
Baptism FAQ
Which service should I come to?
You’re welcome to join us at any of our Sunday services, but families might prefer our 11:15am service which has children’s groups that run at the same time. We know it can be daunting to come to a new church for the first time, but we want to make it really easy for you to come to St. Andrew’s. If you’d like we can arrange for one of our congregation to meet you at the door.
What's the difference between a baptism and a thanksgiving?
In a Thanksgiving Service we praise God for his gift of a child and thank him for the love of friends and family. A baptism service requires more commitment from parents. In the case of those too young to make a decision for themselves, baptism is sign of what their parents hope for them: that they will grow up as Christian believers and never remember a time when they weren’t. One of our clergy will be able to explain these options to you in more detail.
Do you have anywhere we can hold a family celebration?
If you would like to discuss the availability of the Abbey Hall to use for a gathering of family and friends after the service, the Church Office would be glad to help you. Please ask when you first enquire.