Because we’re a church family who’ve been saved by Jesus, we have a heart for sharing his Gospel and pouring out his love. One way we do this is by supporting mission partners both in Plymouth and around the world.

Devenda & Sangeeta Verma

New Delhi, India

Education for Liberation – founded by our own Katy Debbarma and linked with Crosslinks is seeking to introduce Jesus to under-privileged communities in the heart of New Delhi.

Bishop Peter & Sally Bartlett

Ascuncion, Paraguay

Peter is originally from Plymouth and is now Bishop of Paraguay based in Asuncion, the capital.

Chris & Alison Hawksbee

Chaco region, Paraguay

Chris and Alison are long-term missionaries in Paraguay. Alison is a teacher and Chris educates the local people on agriculture, bee keeping and development projects in the Chaco region.

Dan & Wendy Snell

Cornwall, UK

Dan and Wendy worked at YWAM Harpenden for many years, now moved to Cornwall to begin an outreach and Discipleship Training Programme.



Tearfund is The Evangelical Alliance Relief Fund. Their long-term vision is to see 50 million people released from material and spiritual poverty through a worldwide network of 100,000 local churches.

Bible Society

Swindon, UK

We partner with the Bible Society enabling God’s Word to be made known at home and around the world in more languages and formats.

Alistair & Naomi Drye

Rakaia, New Zealand

At one time, Al was our Youth Worker at St. Andrew’s. After many years in Christchurch, New Zealand as Youth and Children’s Worker, Alistair has recently been ordained and is now in charge of a church in Rakaia.

Medic Malawi

Mtunthama, Malawi

Medic Malawi built and runs St. Andrew’s Hospital in Mtunthama and gives financial and practical support to All Saints’ School. It works closely with the Mothers’ Union and is linked with All Saints’ Church. Its aim is to witness to God’s love for all and to bring people to a closer relationship with God. Founded by Mac and Dot Forsyth of our own congregation, there is also a large orphanage to support and an under 5s feeding programme when needed. We continue to support Frank & Eunice Dzantenge who now minister to parishes in and around the capital, Lilongwe.

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Shekinah Mission

Plymouth, UK

The Shekinah Mission based at Bath Street in Plymouth offers help, hope, education and Christ’s love for the hungry, the homeless and the lonely. The new drop-in centre offers much expanded services, especially training in job-related skills aimed at getting people back into work.

Brian & Anne Sloan

Harpenden, UK

Also from our own Church fellowship; Brian is the co-director of Marine Reach Ministries and looks after the sail training vessel “Next Wave”, at present in Greece helping with the refugee crisis. Anne is part of the National Leadership Team with specific oversight for personnel. She also teaches on YWAM courses and at All Nations Bible College.

Nicci Maxwell

Potter's Village, Uganda

Volunteer doctor at Potter’s Village Children’s Medical Centre in Kisoro, Uganda, working on a new development of antenatal clinic and planning to work more closely with the local government hospital in clinical audit and staff training.

International Nepal Fellowship (INF)

Pokhorra, Nepal

Mainly concerned with specialist medical and rehabilitation programmes. INF runs the Green Pastures Hospital and Centre in Pokhorra plus many other clinics in remote places of Nepal.

The Children's Society

London, UK

The Anglican Church’s main organisation for helping disadvantaged children. Please ask for a home collecting box if you would like one.


Eastern Europe

Support for Christian Mission to Eastern Europe in the form of church planting, aid and education.

Church Pastoral Aid Society (CPAS)

Coventry, UK

Support to clergy, churches and youth work; their mission is to enable churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ.

Devon and Cornwall Refugee Support is looking for volunteer trustees. DCRS is a charity which advises and supports Asylum Seekers, who have been dispersed to Plymouth by the Home Office, in adjusting to life in an unfamiliar society, and in preparing their appeals for permanent residence. Other activities are laid on, such as English classes, music lessons, access to gyms, and walks, which of course are at present on hold.

Covid has created many difficulties for DCRS but a dedicated staff
has enabled us to to continue to serve our service users. The premises in Whimple St are only 50 metres from St Andrews and are undergoing considerable alterations to improve the working conditions and to cater for the restrictions imposed by covid.

The Board comprises a dozen trustees, and meets once a month. If you feel drawn to participate in this vital work please talk to Arnold Melhuish (01752 229881) or David Huntley (01752 769200).