If you are a regular part of St. Andrew’s church family, we’d like to encourage you to think about giving to support the work and mission of the church. Psalm 50 tells us that the world is the Lord’s and everything in it and the Bible makes it clear that a natural part of being a person who’s received grace is giving generously where possible.

If you have prayerfully considered your giving and would like to donate financially, please use the details below.

You can start your giving in any of the following ways:

1. A One-Off Donation

There’s a new way to give an easy, one-off payment to the work of St Andrews via Give a Little.

2. Regular Standing Order

The most helpful way to support St. Andrew’s is to set up a standing order with your bank. Once you have decided how much to donate to the church, you can set up the arrangement with your bank and then they will automatically process your gifts each month in accordance with your instructions. It therefore saves you time, means that you don’t forget when life is busy and it helps the church with its financial planning.

You can quickly set up a standing order using your online or telephone banking and by quoting the bank account information below.

Alternatively you can download the giving form below, complete it and email it back to the office at office@standrewschurch.org.uk

3. Cheque

Please make these payable to “PCC St. Andrew’s Church”.

4. One-Off Online/Telephone Banking Gift

You can also use your online or telephone banking to make a payment to “PCC St. Andrew’s Church” with the bank account information below.

Recipient: PCC St. Andrew’s Church
Sort code: 30-96-68
Account no: 00503352 (Lloyds Bank)

If you are able to enter a reference, please put ‘GIFT’.

Gift Aid

This scheme enables us to reclaim tax on any donation made by a UK taxpayer, effectively increasing the amount of the donation. If you are a taxpayer, please see Pauline Arkle about how to complete a Giftaid declaration.

Easy Fundraising

You can help support St. Andrew’s Plymouth by shopping online. Use easyfundraising to shop with over 3,300 retailers including Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, Booking.com, eBay, Boden, and M&S. Every time you shop, you’ll raise a free donation for St. Andrew’s every time, it’s that easy!

Registered Charity Number


Leaving A Legacy

If you are considering leaving a legacy to St Andrew’s in your will, please read our legacy policy here.